Sunday, September 9, 2012

Purdue vs. Notre Dame, we won right?

Hey there, lovelies. How's this first full weekend of football treating all you football fans?

This is an all Ryan Lochte gif reaction post because he makes me happy, that's why.

I'm just going to jump straight into Notre Dame here. What was that game? That was a win that felt like a loss, that's what that was. ND shouldn't have to pull out late drives to win versus Purdue. Now, even though the QB switch out worked in the end, I don't agree with it. Golson played a good game, he deserved to finish it. You pick your guy & you stay with him. You don't pluck him out & plug in another guy when the game is on the line. Talk about killing your young QB1's confidence.

Add in the shameful boos that showered down on Rees when he walked out on the field. I know that (some/hopefully most) of the boos were directed at the decision to pull Golson for Rees & ultimately at Brian Kelly himself, but damn, way to make the kid feel like crap. Thankfully, for Rees & the team, it ended up working. I know that Kelly stated that Golson had a hand injury in justification for putting in Rees, but I don't buy it. Reports are coming out that Golson wasn't injured & apparently Kelly has called Rees, "the closer". But if he's your closer, then how come he isn't your starter? On the flip, if you don't believe your starter can close a tight game then why is he your starter? Does this not jive with anyone else?

No jeah for you, Brian Kelly.

I'm starting to think that there is a good chance Rees will be the starter again by the time ND plays Michigan. Maybe the only reason why Golson started vs. Navy was because of Rees' first game suspension. I could certainly see Kelly using this game as a reason to start Rees again, especially if he inserts him into the MSU game. Something along the lines of, "Golson is a really great kid, but he still needs time to learn. Meanwhile, Rees is in his third year in my system". We all know how in love Brian Kelly is with Tommy. Or maybe Tommy has blackmail pictures in a safe deposit box somewhere, haha.

I just really like this one.

Also, are we ever going to run the ball? Return punts? It's funny, I use to be the most positive ND fan in existence. I always looked for the positives in terrible games & I was (& still am) the biggest Weis apologist, but ND has really beaten me down. I have become so used to being disappointed by ND that I now expect to be disappointed by them.

Wait, we won the game again, right? Sure doesn't feel like it. Feels like more of the same.

At least the Pats & the Texans won big. Too bad I slept through it. Yup, it was a rough Sat night. I literally put the lime in the coconut & drank it all up.

Jeah for me.
 See ya later, internet!

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