Thursday, November 1, 2012

ND vs OU.

Here's my late review of the Notre Dame vs Oklahoma game. I was doing so well there with two immediate ND post-game reaction posts, but the night game on Halloween Saturday really delayed me.

So, what happened in the game? Oh, I don't know... #3 ND just beat #8 Oklahoma at Oklahoma, no big deal or anything. It's not like no one picked ND to win. It's not like everyone expected OU to put a beatdown on ND & prove to everyone that ND didn't deserve their lofty ranking. Oh wait.

East of Eden gifs, yes!

I fully admit, like I said prior, that I was very nervous for this game. OU just doesn't lose at home. In fact, Stoops had never lost twice at home in a season since he was the HC of OU. Oklahoma is the real deal of college football royalty. I've always like Oklahoma & Texas because just like ND, they are traditional powerhouse programs that helped build present day college football. This demands respect from every college football fan worth their salt. Stoops is an excellent coach. While I know that some of my fellow ND fans are still salty over Stoops' supposed ND job offer rejection 3 years ago, I never held it against him. I also highly doubt that he has ever regretted the decision to stay put in Norman & I also doubt he ever will.

That being said, ND kicked OU's ass. I was a little nervous during OU's first few plays of the game as ND's D tried to settle down & I thanked the heavens for that poor snap by OU's center that slowed the game down & allowed ND's D to adjust. It was a slugfest for most of the game, but ND held their own in a game that no one thought they could win. This is a team that doesn't care if you believe in them, they'll force you to believe in them instead. I let out a huge sigh of relief when Cierre broke out that huge run, that was the moment that I knew ND's O would be able to chug along.

This is basically how I watch people who hate ND watch ND.

What about Golson though? He played one hell of a game. It looks like ND is finally finding their offense. This is why it was so important stick with Golson through his tough moments. He's a young QB & young QBs need to take their lumps & learn from them in order to become great QBs. It's a process that requires a lot of patience. Luckily for ND, they have Rees as a back up QB that can be inserted right into the offense without missing a beat. Yes, internet, I finally stopped being nervous every time Rees has trotted out on the field. Progress.

How did ND's defense get so good? I find myself wondering that often. Also, give Manti Te'o the Heisman already. He has had such a fantastic season. I am so proud to have him represent my favorite team. He'll completely humiliate you & then he'll pray for you. HeisManti.

Because who doesn't love James Dean?

 It's really looking like ND will roll into the USC game 11-0. Their next three games are versus some real bottom feeders, but they definitely can't overlook them. Especially Boston College, in a classic "if we don't learn from our past we're doomed to repeat our mistakes" scenario. Beat SC, go to the championships. Let's get this.

(Yeah, the ND optimistic side is really trying to bust out over here. Meanwhile my realistic side is battling to keep me cautious.)

Go Irish!

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